Don’t worry – you don’t need a slow cooker for this if you don’t have one. Follow my recipe below but just cook over a really low heat in a big pot and stir every 20 minutes or so for 2 hours with the lid partially on. As with any of my babe food, this is family/adult friendly and feel free to change to lamb or chicken thigh and take out or add any veg you wish.
Slow Cooker Beef & Veggie Stew with Pasta
Makes LOTS

- 250g chuck steak, cut into large chunks
- 1 onion
- 2 cloves of garlic – optional
- 2 carrots
- 3 celery stalks
- 2 potatoes, peeled
- 2tbs tomato paste
- sprig of rosemary
- 2 cups stock
- 1/2 cup mini pasta – I used this
Depending on the age of your bub, chop the veggies and beef accordingly. For example, I pureed mine to a smooth paste so just roughly chopped but if your babe is feeding themselves then chop the veggies into little cubes. The beef will shred easily once ready so don’t worry too much about that.
Making it just for babe:
Your choice between using 2 cups of water or two cups of stock. Then just chuck everything into the slow cooker – expect the pasta – and cook on high for 4-5 hours stirring every hour or so. Once the beef is tender turn off the slow cooker and add the pasta. Cover again with the lid and leave for 15 minutes or until the pasta is soft then either puree until smooth or pulse to ensure a little texture or drain the liquid and serve up in little bowls for your babe to munch on him/herself.
Making it for a family meal:
Heat up a pan and fry off the beef over a super high heat until golden brown then leave aside (this isn’t to cook it, just sear it). In the same pan add the garlic, onion and rosemary and a touch of water to deglaze the pan then once it’s smelling amazing, add to your slow cooker along with the seared beef, veggies, tomato paste and stock (if you have leftover wine in the fridge, do a cup of stock and a cup of wine instead). Don’t worry about washing the pan just yet!
Cook on high for 4-5 hours. Once the beef is falling apart, take out whatever you want for the babe and follow above for pureeing etc then using a cup scoop majority of the liquid into the pan you used earlier and cook over a super high heat to reduce into a sauce. Add some salt and pepper here if you want then add back to your stew. Your call if you want to eat this with pasta – I didn’t – instead I had a crusty fresh baguette.