To all the peeps out there that just want a steak for dinner:
I’m sorry, I can’t. Don’t hate me.
To all the peeps out there that just want to be in America eating buffalo flavoured everything and watching Ghost Busters:
Make double portion. Regret nothing.
Buffalo Cauliflower Tacos with Blue Cheese Sauce
Serves 4

1 large cauliflower, chopped into large florets
1tsp garlic powder
1tsp smoked paprika
1 cup of breadcrumbs
2 eggs
½ cup sriracha
½ cup hot sauce (I used Franks)
4tbs olive oil
Corn tortillas & coriander to serve
Blue Cheese Sauce:
2tbs blue cheese
4tbs natural yoghurt
1tbs lemon juice
1tsp of garlic powder
Salt & pepper
Heat your oven to 180 and line a baking tray.
In a large bowl, combine the garlic powder, paprika and breadcrumbs and leave aside. In a separate large bowl, using a fork whisk the eggs a little then add the cauliflower florets and stir through. Transfer the eggy cauli to the bread crumbs mixture and evenly coat before placing them on your baking tray.
Bake the cauliflower for 15 minutes or until the florets are cooked through and charred. While they’re in the oven, mix together the sriracha, hot sauce and olive oil and leave aside. In a cup, mix together the blue cheese dressing ingredients and leave aside also.
Once the cauliflower is cooked, pour the hot sauce mixture over all the florets. Serve with the tacos and blue cheese dressing and top with coriander. Soooooooo yummy.