I like to think I’m not alone and that actually, we all like to be things we’re not sometimes.
Like when I’m at a hairdresser and I’m all “Its fine, I totally trust you! You do whatever you think will look good” then she starts cutting and it’s all downhill because you were trying to be cool.
Or when you’re all “I’m a dog person, it’s fine that your dog is licking my face with the same tongue that just licked dirt, it’s no big deal” and you just breathe in and breathe our in hope that it will end soon and the dog will disappear.
This is kind of one of those moments. Trying my hardest to eat well but then needing macaroni and cheese. The result is freaking delicious, lemme just tell you that!
One Pan (Quinoa) Mac & Cheese
Serves 3-4

1 cup of quinoa
3 rashes of bacon – optional
2tbs flour
1-2 cups of milk
2tsp each of mustard & paprika
Handful each of strong cheddar & parmesan
Sprinkle of breadcrumbs
Salt & pepper
Pop your quinoa on the heat and cook as per the packet instructions. Turn on your oven to 200.
While that’s on, cook your bacon in a non-stick pan with a little olive oil until cooked and crunchy. Remove from the pan (keeping the oil in the pan) and leave aside. In the same pan (how many times can I say pan?) add the flour.
Stir around until a sort of dough forms. If it’s struggling add a little extra oil until its glossy then bit by bit add the milk. Start with 1/4 a cup and stir, another 1/4 and stir etc etc until a thick but moveable white sauce is formed. You may find you want more milk so just keep it on hand to add little by little as you go until you’re happy with the consistency.
(note… by now your quinoa should be ready… don’t forget about it).
Stir through the mustard and paprika then turn off the heat. Add the bacon and cheese to the pan. Once fully combined, stir through the cooked quinoa and taste. You’ll likely need a little salt & pepper. Cover with extra cheese and sprinkling of breadcrumbs then bake for 10 minutes or until golden.
Serve with a token green salad.
Kitchen notes...
Not into a bowl full of cheese? You can easily add any veg to this dish. I’m feeling:
– Chopped kale or spinach
– Chopped broccoli
– Sun dried tomatoes
– Artichokes
– Caramelised onions