I’m not going to lie. When I buy Eastern ingredients from my supermarket and my bill comes to less than my parking I get that Ikea ‘start the car!’ moment. Lemongrass, 1c. Thai basil, 1c. Already peeled garlic, 1c. Are you jealous yet? You should be.
I’m OK with being easily pleased by the little things. A seat free next to you on a plane. Buying that top you tried on last week that’s now on sale. Stepping on the scales and losing weight after doing no exercise. You my friend, are a winner at life. Just like how I feel when I pay 1 cent for a kilo of ginger. Et Voila! Ginger nut slices come your way…
Raw Ginger Cashew Nut Slice
Makes 10-12 squares

1 cup almond flour
3/4 cup desiccated coconut
1/4 cup chopped cashews
Pinch of salt
3tbs finely chopped fresh ginger
4tbs coconut oil
4tbs maple syrup
1 cup packed dates
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup coconut oil
2 tbs finely chopped fresh ginger
A drop of vanilla extract
Pre heat your oven to 180 and line a baking tin.
Combine your base ingredients into a smooth dough and press into the tin evenly. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the base has hardened and become a little golden. Leave aside to bring it to room temperature.
Place your dates in a little bowl and cover with boiling water. Leave for 5 minutes or so to soften them then blend in a food processor with 2 tbs of the date water. Once fairly smooth add the remaining ingredients and blend into a smooth, thick caramel like sauce.
Spoon the date mixture onto the base, spreading it out evenly then place in the fridge. Ideally, leave it overnight but a good few hours will suffice. Cut into little squares and keep in the fridge while you nibble away. They will last in the fridge up to two weeks.