I am one of those people that cannot have treats in near me. I honestly admire those people who can just a bag of lollies or an opened tim tam packet in their pantry and have the discipline not to (un)subtly go back to the pantry for little nibbles. The only way for me to restrain myself is by cutting me off at phase one. The supermarket. Where everything goes wrong. This is literally why I make raw treats. You don’t have to stop! OK… so like most things, you shouldn’t over do it but unlike those tim tams this is a guilt free. Wooo wooo
Raw Choco Banana Cream Slice
Makes around 10 slices
100g hazelnuts
25g brazil nuts
4 large dates
3tbs cacao
5tbs honey rice malt syrup, maple syrup or agave will work for vegans
2tbs coconut oil
Banana cream:
5tbs cashews
3 bananas
1tbs honey see note above
3tbs desiccated coconut
2tbs coconut oil
1/2tsp vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
2 kiwi fruits
3tbs dark chocolate buttons
1tbs coconut oil
Start by making your base by blending the nuts in a food processor until you have a nut flour – this should take around 2-3 minutes. Leave a few hazelnuts out to add later. Add the remaining ingredients and bring to a paste.
Squish down into a lined baking tin and place the remaining hazelnuts on top. Place in the freezer while you move onto the banana cream.
Pop the bananas and cashews in a food processor and blend until completely smooth. Add the remaining ingredients pulsing to a smooth cream like texture. Taste here as you may want to add more honey if you like it a little sweeter or even another banana if you want a super strong banana flavour. Pour over the hardened base and even out. Put the tin back into the freezer for a few hours.
When your banana cream has hardened slightly, finely slice your kiwi fruit and place over the banana cream. Pop back in the freezer for 1/2 hour.
Put your dark chocolate buttons in a bowl with the coconut oil and microwave for 30 seconds or until you have a smooth chocolate sauce. Take your tin out of the freezer and slice the bars lengthways then drizzle over the chocolate sauce. Cover the bars with clingfilm film then put back in the freezer until you are ready to eat them (just give it 5 minutes to defrost slightly before tucking in).