Why is it that I crave the most unusual things living away from Australia?
– Pump bottles. This is standard to me. Pump water bottles are amazing and you just simply can’t find anything better outside Australia.
– Orange C. Probably the best non orange juice in the world.
– Yogo. Enough said.
– Le Snacks. I was deprived as a child and NEVER had Le Snacks for morning tea so obviously I crave this now.
– And the best. Lamingtons. I am fine with just plain old, on special, Coles brand Lamingtons but of course I need to improvise.
Such if life.
Classic Lamingtons
Makes 8-10

6 eggs
150g caster sugar
200g self raising flour
30g butter, melted
1tsp vanilla essence
200g icing sugar
200g dark chocolate
15g butter
125ml milk
Pinch of salt
Finish with 2 cups desiccated coconut
Preheat your oven to 180 and line a baking tin.
In a large bowl whisk the eggs until they are light in colour and smooth. You can use an electric mixer here if you want. Pour in the sugar and continue to whisk until the mixture has thickened slightly. Now add the flour and gently fold through. Finish off with the vanilla essence, melted butter and 3tbs of warm water. Once your mixture is nice and smooth pour into your baking tin and bake for 40-45 minutes or until the top is golden and a skewer comes out clean.
While your sponge is cooling add the icing ingredients (not the coconut) to a small pot and stir over a low heat until the chocolate and butter has melted. Keep aside to cool.
To make the lamingtons removing the outer crust on all sides and cut your sponge into squares. Dip into the -now cool- chocolate sauce and finish off by coating in the coconut. Eat with tea and feel delightful.