Today I started thinking about what I miss about living in Europe. Here is what I came up with:
Fresh air, history, elegance yeah yeah yeah but let’s be honest, it’s really the cheap berries.
Cheap berries! and the best part? The names. Frambozen, blaubessen. Oh how I miss my cheap euro frambozens (raspberries, obviously). As much as I don’t mind waiting for my frozen frambozens to defrost in my breakfast bowl while I get ready e v e r y m o r n i n g it does mean that I have a constant supply of freezer inspiration. So today I bring you these lil raw delights. Lick your lips -not- straight to your hips!
Raw blueberry cheesecakes
Makes 8-10 mini treats
20g brazil nuts
80g walnuts
100g dates, soaked in boiling water
5tbs coconut oil
Pinch of salt
Cashew cream:
220g cashews, soaked in water (reserve the water)
30g rice malt syrup (maple syrup, coconut nectar of agave will also)
7g coconut oil
Pinch of salt
Blueberry cream:
15g cashews, soaked in water (reserve the water)
75g blueberries at room temperature
70g coconut oil
1tbs coconut flour
1tsp vanilla essence
1tsp maple syrup (maple syrup, coconut nectar of agave will also)
Blend the base ingredients together until a sticky dough forms then firmly place in whichever cases you choose and pop in the freezer.
While the base is freezing, blend the cashew cream ingredients together as well as a little reserved caches water until you have a smooth paste. This should take about 2 minutes. Spoon over the frozen base leaving enough space for your final layer and put back in the freezer.
Now, final layer! Blend the blueberry ingredients together as all as a little of the cashew water until smooth. Make sure your blueberries are not frozen as this will freeze your coconut oil. Pour over the set cashew cream and place in the fridge for 20 minutes.
That’s it! It’ll last in the fridge for 4 days or frozen for up to 2 weeks.
miaandmilopaleo says
These look beautiful! miaandmilopaleo.com